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New Paid Family Leave Opportunity

Anonymously submit your employer's information today

We want to grow access to paid family leave. We’re collaborating with a third party (not a government/state entity) who has a new paid family leave benefit for employers, at no cost to the employees. Showing demand is essential for this initiative to move forward. If you work for an organization that meets the following criteria, even if you’re not expecting or plan to be expecting, submitting a form is the action needed from you to help advocate for more paid family leave options.

Criteria #1: Your employer must be headquartered in and all employees must work in one of these 5 states: Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama, or Tennessee.

Criteria #2: You must NOT already have access to a paid family leave program through your employer. 


Unsure if your organization meets the criteria? We recommend you still submit a form and we can do more research on your behalf.

Are you in HR or a Business Owner for an organization that meets the criteria and interested in learning more?
Let us know in the form and we'll be in touch!